Sunday, January 8, 2012

Monday, December 12, 2011

Double and long Exposure

Long and double exposure photography refers to a specific technique of taking photographs with the camera set for long exposure or slow shutter speed. Usually, a photographic film or an image sensor in a digital camera is exposed to light for only a fraction of a second.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

conceptual photography

the concept of a photography begins a trust, persevere. make a photo look like flying or floating in the air and on water.

Classic and Ordinary

change the world which has become the world's first classic and beautiful. some of these photographs that had long kept in memory as a box that plays back

every beautiful moment

every human being must have a special moment never forgotten. some photos of wedding performances. by: emma williams

Saturday, December 10, 2011


 enjoyable thing is when you're taking scenery in a beautiful place, I have some in some countries :)


I am emma williams, I was 19 years old, I loved to take photos and learn new things. photography has inspired me for 3 years, I'm just still learning to it, this is my page. I hope you like it

J'ai Emma Williams, j'avais 19 ans, j'ai aimé prendre des photos et apprendre de nouvelles choses. la photographie m'a inspiré pour 3 ans, je suis juste en train d'apprendre à elle, c'est ma page. J'espère que vous l'aimez

Ich Emma Williams, war ich 19 Jahre alt, ich liebte es, Fotos zu machen und neue Dinge lernen. Fotografie hat mich inspiriert für 3 Jahre, ich bin nur noch am Lernen zu, das ist meine Seite. Ich hoffe es gefällt euch